Sealed Secrets
Learn how to securely manage Kubernetes secrets using Sealed Secrets.
Sealed Secrets decrypts the secret server-side and consists of two components:
- A controller running in the cluster that decrypts SealedSecrets and creates the corresponding Secret
- A client-side tool that encrypts Secrets and stores them as SealedSecrets
Install Sealed Secrets
To install Sealed Secrets using Helm, run the following commands:
helm repo add sealed-secrets
helm install sealed-secrets --namespace kube-system --version 1.13.2 sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets
Encrypting and Applying Secrets
To encrypt a secret and apply it to your cluster, you can use the following command:
$ cat test.yaml| kubeseal --controller-name sealed-secrets-controller -o yaml | k apply -f - created
This command will encrypt the contents of test.yaml
and create a SealedSecret resource in your cluster.
Creating and Sealing a Secret
To create a new secret and seal it, you can use the following commands:
echo -n "my new password" \
| kubectl create secret generic xxx --dry-run=client --from-file=password=/dev/stdin -o json \
| kubeseal --controller-namespace=kube-system --controller-name=sealed-secrets --format yaml --merge-into sealed-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f sealed-secret.yaml
This sequence of commands will create a new Kubernetes secret with the specified password, seal it using the Sealed Secrets controller, and apply the sealed secret to your cluster.
For more detailed information, check out these resources: